Standard Book Package
Professional Paperback Book Cover Design
Content Editing
ISBN assignment
Barcode generation
Library of Congress Number - LCCN request
15 Author Copies (softcover)
Interior Design Layout
E-Book Format
Marketing Insights
Coaching Sessions
Book added to Ingram Sparks
Book added to Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)
Book Mockup for pre-order sales
Book Launch (interview)
The deposit of $200 is subtracted from your balance.
* Add $75 for a hardback cover.
**Manuscript includes a maximum of 20,000 words. That is approximately 200 pages. (double-sided) There will be an additional charge of .04 per word over 20,000 words.
Anthology Package
$3600 up to 10 authors, $150 per author after that
Content Editing
Book Cover Design
ISBN assignment
Barcode generation
Author copy
Library of Congress Number - LCCN Request
Interior Design Layout
E-Book Format
Marketing Insights
Coaching Sessions
Books added to Ingram Sparks
Books added to Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)
Book Mockup for pre-order sales
Book Launch (interview)
The deposit of $500 is subtracted from your balance.
* Add $75 for a hardback cover.
**Manuscript includes a maximum of 20,000 words. That is approximately 200 pages. (double-sided) There will be an additional charge of .04 per word over 20,000 words.
Contract will be developed with payment dates.
Journal or Workbook
Professional Paperback Book Cover Design
Content Editing
3000 Words or less
120 pages maximum
Interior Design Layout
5 author copies
Book Mockup for pre-order sales
$200 non-refundable deposit due upfront and balance due in three installments.
Manuscript includes 3,000 words. There will be an additional charge of $0.30 per word over 3000 words. Anything beyond 4000 words is considered a book package and will be upgraded accordingly.
Contract will be developed with payment dates.
Self-publishing Coaching
Tools to assist you in self-publishing a book.
Guidance on Content Editing
How to get and assign an ISBN
How to generate a barcode
How to get and use an LCCN
Guidance on Interior Design Layout
Guidance on Book Cover
KPD & Ingram Sparks setup
Guidance with the entire process
Coaching Sessions
$200 initial payment (full payment within 4 months of starting the project)
Contract will be developed with payment dates.